Meeting Overview
Short linear motifs (SLiMs) are short stretches of amino acids that primarily occur in disordered regions of proteins. SLiMs mediate protein-protein interactions via binding to folded domains in interaction partners. Such SLiM-mediated protein interactions are massively abundant in eukaryotic interactomes, where they drive signaling and regulatory cellular processes allowing for transient binding events in a highly regulated way. These include pathogen-host interactions, where SLiMs are essential for viral and bacterial pathogen infections, and mechanisms driving liquid-liquid phase separation, where SLiMs act as stickers that mediate condensate formation. The first few SLiMs were discovered in the 1980s. As more have been revealed, they shed light on essential functions of the dark proteome, i.e. intrinsically disordered proteins that partake in critical cellular functions. The study of SLiMs is inherently difficult due to their degeneracy, disorder, and weak binding affinities and as a result only a fraction of SLiMs have currently been discovered. With this inaugural meeting we aim to bring together the research community studying the many different facets of SLiMs from structural and biochemistry to systems biology approaches, put current research in the context of the past, and highlight exciting future avenues that may enable the systematic discovery of SLiMs and their functions at a proteome-wide scale. At the same time, we will celebrate the pioneering work of Toby Gibson in the field on the occasion of his retirement.
Jesús Alvarado
Lucia Chemes
Laszlo Dobson
Manjeet Kumar
Katja Luck
Bálint Mészáros
Registration deadline: Friday, 7th April, 2023
Fee for on-site attendance: 150 € *On-site participation is only by invitation.
Time |
Topic |
01:00 - 01:45pm | Registration at Large Operon and coffee |
01:45 - 02:00pm | Opening remarks Katja Luck IMB Mainz, Germany |
Session 1: The many facets of motif research |
02:00 - 02:30pm | Robert Russell Identifying molecular mechanisms for disease variants, including (some) involving linear motifs University of Heidelberg, Germany |
02:30 - 03:00pm | Zsuzsanna Dosztányi Entering new circles: LC8/DYNLL1 motifs in the ciliary-centrosome system Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary |
03:00 - 03:30pm | Katia Zanier Protein - linear motif interactions at the heart of NF-kB signalling: structural and functional insights University of Strasbourg, France |
03:30 - 04:00pm | Ora Schueler-Furman The structural basis of SMS (Short Motif Sequence) - mediated communication between proteins Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel |
04:00 - 04:30pm | Coffee break Operon Foyer |
Session 2: Signaling networks |
04:30 - 05:00pm | Michael Yaffe Building Networks from Protein Kinases: Phospho-motifs and Phospho-Motif Binding Proteins Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
05:00 - 05:30pm | Evangelia Petsalaki Data driven approaches to study context-specific human cell signalling European Bioinformatics Institute, UK |
05:30 - 06:00pm | Pedro Beltrao Evolution and functional relevance of protein phosphorylation ETH Zürich, Switzerland |
06:00 - 08:00pm | Dinner EMBL canteen |
08:00 - 10:00pm | Poster session and drinks Operon Foyer |
Time |
Topic |
Session 3: Role of disorder in protein interactions |
09:00 - 09:30am | Bálint Mészáros Structural complexity reflected in the elusive definition of integrin recognition motifs St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA |
09:30 - 10:00am | Rita Pancsa SLiMs in the formation and regulation of phase-separated biomolecular condensates Research Center for Natural Sciences, Hungary |
10:00 - 10:30am | Birthe Kragelund SLiMs in context University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
10:30 - 11:00am | Coffee break Operon Foyer |
Session 4: Systems-level motif discovery 1 |
11:00 - 11:30am | Martha Cyert Leveraging SLIMs to discover calcineurin regulated signaling pathways Stanford University, USA |
11:30-12:00pm | Gilles Travé Affinity-based quantification of protein interactomes Institute of Genetics, Molecular, and Cellular Biology, France |
12:00 - 12:30pm | Ylva Ivarsson Large-scale discovery of motif-mediated host-host and host-virus interactions Uppsala University, Sweden |
12:30 - 01:00pm | Anton Khmelinskii Bidirectional control of a metabolic transition by the GID ubiquitin ligase Institute of Molecular Biology, Germany |
01:15 - 02:30pm | Lunch EMBL canteen |
Session 5: Systems-level motif discovery 2 |
02:30 - 03:00pm | Norman Davey Towards a functional map of the intrinsically disordered proteome Institute of Cancer Research, UK |
03:00 - 04:00pm | Open discussion on the future of linear motif research Panelists: Martha S Cyert, Ylva Ivarsson, Ora Schueler-Furman, Gilles Trave, Birthe B. Kragelund, Jakob Nilsson Moderator: Norman Davey |
04:00 - 04:30pm | Coffee break Operon Foyer |
Session 6: The past and future of motif research |
04:30 - 05:00pm | Des Higgins Multiple memories of Toby and EMBL Conway Institute, UCD, Ireland Aidan Budd “Toby or not Toby” EMBO Solutions, Germany |
05:00 - 06:00pm | Toby Gibson Keynote Talk EMBL Heidelberg |
06:00 - 06:15pm | Organizers Closing remarks |
07:00pm - Open end | Dinner Downtown |
Frequently Asked Questions
Only labs and individuals who received an invitation to register, should register for in person attendance. Online attendance also requires registration. Registrations for in person attendance by non-invited individuals/labs will be cancelled and there is no guarantee given for a refund. In case you would like to attend the meeting but you or your lab head has not received an invitation, please contact the organizers. Registration is limited to two participants per invited lab including the lab head or invited speaker. Please, inform the organizers if you wish more people to register from your lab. We will inform you as soon as possible should there be places available.
Upon registration to attend in person, you can select whether you would like to present a poster and upload an abstract. If registrants with poster presentations exceed the maximum number of posters we can admit, a selection will take place. All registrants will be informed at a later stage whether their application for presenting a poster was accepted or not. At the end of the conference, a prize sponsored by Molecular Systems Biology will be given to the best poster. Early career researchers are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract or a poster. Remember to prepare your abstract in advance of registering and submit it with your registration. Our poster boards are portrait oriented and have a dimension of 1.05 m wide x 2.00 m high. Pins will be available on the poster board for mounting your poster. Please note that we won’t be able to support landscape oriented poster or posters not fitting the mentioned size.
The meeting will be held at EMBL Heidelberg in the Operon, Meyerhofstraße 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany.
The registration fee includes cost of transport via shuttle buses from downtown Heidelberg to EMBL and back, snacks, coffee breaks, dinner on June 22nd and the lunch on 23rd June.
Yes, the meeting will be run in hybrid format. We strongly encourage in-person attendance. Online attendance will be possible for the talks upon registration (at no cost).
Accommodation is not included in the registration fee and needs to be arranged by the attendees themselves. We have reserved a limited number of rooms in the following hotels at a reduced rate. They are provided on a first come, first serve basis. Please use the following keyword for the booking: “EMBL-Motif Conference”. The rooms are reserved until 8 weeks prior to the start of the conference.
- Euro 109 per single room / night,
Total rooms: 15.
Leonardo Hotels
- Euro 138 per single room / night,
Total rooms: 15.
ISG Hotel
- Euro 89 per single room / night,
Total rooms: 15.
Hotel Anlage
- Euro 84-94 per single room / night,
Total rooms: 4 (3 double rooms).
We offer free transportation between the venue, the city center, and the gala dinner location at the beginning and at the end of each day. Bus stops in the city center will be communicated at a later time point.